Our Home

For an individual with an intellectual disability, the essential comfort of a stable home can be hard to attain. When safe or affordable housing isn’t available, many individuals repeatedly cycle in and out of shelters, jails, hospitals, or living homeless on the street. At Initial Homecare Services, we believe that having a safe and supportive home environment is crucial to providing anyone with stability in life and helping them achieve their goals.

Initial Homecare Services provides housing, healthcare, and human services to intellectually disabled adults in the greater Lynchburg, VA area. Our location offers a variety of assisted living and human services that maximize quality of life by finding joy in everyday activities. Our support staff will help our clients understand and practice communication skills, personal hygiene, sensory, motor, and coordination development, and participation and fulfilment in completing household chores. Additionally, we’ll provide a comfortable and safe environment for leisure, recreation, and regular social interaction.

At Initial Homecare Services, we believe that housing shouldn’t impede anyone’s mobility, and should always be a discrimination-free environment. Our goal is to create an environment that consistently meets both your physical and mental needs.

If you have any questions regarding our residential services or you would like to discuss the needs of a loved one who could benefit from our services, please contact us today at 434-319-5250.